Experience Wine Like Never Before

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Unlock Your Senses, the Sensory Approach to Wine Tasting ,
and break free from traditional wine tasting methods.

Wine tasting isn't as complex as some pros want you to believe.

You need to:

  • to trust your senses, 
  • adopt bias-free tasting practices, and
  • train following a proven, yet approachable, sensory framework.

I created InnoVinum Academy to help you increase wine enjoyment through sensory education.

Isabelle Lesschaeve, PhD
Wine Sensory Scientist

Learn here what wine pros will never teach you

What's wrong with the traditional wine education

Wine enthusiasts eager to learn more about wine often enroll in professional certification programs like the WSET or the Court of Sommeliers.
While their wine educators are very knowledgeable about viticulture, winemaking, and wine regions, they often fail to help you describe what you smell or taste in wine with confidence.

Sounds familiar? Is it you?

Wine educators use rigid frameworks and tasting grids assuming everyone would understand each word and concept and use them the same way.

Worse, when you disagree with their wine description, you assume that you’re wrong and they are right.

The good news

You’re also right because there’s no right or wrong wine flavor description.  
And they are wrong to assume we all smell and taste the same way. That’s discounting how our human senses operate.  

Humans vary immensely in their smell and taste abilities due to our genetics and different cultural background. That’s why we speak a different flavor language. 

Unlike traditional wine educators, sensory scientists like me are trained to help align the flavor language among tasters, with simple learning techniques.

And we teach you how to minimize any bias that can alter your wine appreciation.

Where are you on the wine taster journey?

  1. NOVICE:As a novice taster, you feel intimidated during wine events and are trying to figure out what to do, so you go with the flow and enjoy the conviviality.
  2. CURIOUS: As you become more curious about wine, you learn a few tips and practices after taking wine appreciation classes, but finding the right words is still a challenge.  
  3. ENTHUSIAST: Your enthusiasm for wine grew so much that you signed up for a certification program through the WSET or the Sommelier guild. But blind tastings make you doubt your ability to be a good taster. 
  4. CONFIDENT: As you develop confidence with practice, you learn about your strengths and limitations. You have created your system to identify aromas and tastes but sometimes struggle to share with others. 
  5. PROFICIENT: As a proficient taster, you’re confident in discerning sensory characteristics and finding specific words to describe them. You practice blind tasting to keep your skills sharp.

Imagine attending a wine tasting and sharing confidently your tasting notes with the  wine pro.

Not only will you feel happy to share, but the wine pros will appreciate you. So many people are afraid to speak up in front of these pros. But they love when you relate your experience with their wine selection.

InnoVinum Academy offers unique online education programs 

helping wine enthusiasts and professionals like you improve their tasting skills through sensory education and a proven approachable framework.

Featured Courses

For Novice and Curious Tasters - a short video course
Becoming more confident when tasting wine starts by adopting these 3 daily habits. You'll improve your wine tasting notes in no time.

For Enthusiasts Tasters - Self-paced course.
The foundation to master aroma description and enhance your knowledge and wine enjoyment

You'll also find articles and resources to help you step up your wine tasting skills.
