InnoVinum purchased the Wine Aroma Wheel from its creator, Dr. Ann Noble, in 2019

And we're a fan of this tool, essential to guide wine novices or new employees to describe wine aromas.

The Original Wine Aroma Wheel and its companion, the Sparkling Wine Aroma Wheel, are more than just two educational tools - they guide your guests and customers to discover the unique profiles of your wines; they are designed to help them precisely articulate wine descriptions.

 Introducing Buy in Bulk and Save , our wholesale discount program.

Whether your customers are winery visitors, wine store customers, or wine appreciation class students, these handy tools will expand their tasting skills to pursue their wine education and better appreciate the wines you share with them.

A minimum order is 50 wine aroma wheels is required to qualify for the wholesale program.

How to order?

Order packs of 50 wine aroma wheels (US only)

Here are more suggestions from Isabelle

Using the Wine Aroma Wheel in your tasting room

Using the Wine Aroma Wheel in your wine appreciation course